Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Fable - "Get the 'L' Outta Here" 1975

Pretty straight forward guitar driven hard rock, screeching wah pedals and all! The title ''Get the "L" Outta here'' reflects the indirect encouragement of club owners, booking agents and even family members. The band was originally called "Hellhound'' when located in Victoria, BC. Before they left BC, the band had discussed changing the name, plus their music was heading in another direction (apart from the darker image that 'Hellhound" conjured), so Norman (bass) bounced the idea off of Tim Winkleman's (Manager) head, and after a brief twisting of the arm it came to pass. So as a group, they gave ti a fresh new start in Toronto ,new name and all. It was decided to record an album to fish around to radio stations and perspective audiences (a system that NEVER works). These recordings are that album that was recorded in 1975. ATTN: fans of, Sir Lord Baltimore, Zeppelin, Grand Funk, etc.
You can read all about the band on their website HERE

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