Thursday, March 19, 2020

NSU Turn On or Turn Me Down - 1969

The band came from Scotland, and recorded their one and only album in the winter of 1968.

From: Cooperbolan at It's easy to hear that these guys were mostly influenced by Cream. Their style is a mix of psychedelia, blues rock, and hard rock ,and the guitar work is pretty impressive through the whole album. The A-side is more psychedelic while the B-side includes more bluesy material. "On the Road"is the longest song here and it's a great album closer I think. Probably the best thing about this whole record is that the shortest songs are solid and entertaining too. There are no fillers and overall this, the only NSU album is a pretty satisfying totality.
A very nice effort by a virtually unknown band. For those who like Cream.

Epsilon -"s/t" 1971 / - "Move On'' -1971 / "Epilson Off" 1974

Epilson were a German progressive hard rock band from Marburg, Germany. The were rooed in classical rock and a repertoire of The Nice compositions, but changing somewhat when taking on a new front-man Michael Winzowski (ex-Orange Peel, Nosferatu). The transition can be heared on their debut LP, a much more progressive rock styled album, whereas the subsequent releases were more song based  mixtures of heavy rock and blues fronted by Winzowski who later went  on to solo as Michael Winn

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