Thursday, February 2, 2017

Charge - s/t 1973

A 1973 private pressing. Of which, only 1 copy is known to exist. (!!!)
"The greatest lunatic heavy-rock private pressing of the Progressive era - swathes of Pink Floyd-esque ala Motorhead non music"

This is in fact a pirate issued by some anonymous thieves from, I believe, the Netherlands. We had them removed from Amazon 3 years ago. The line-up stated is totally incorrect. Charge was a trio I formed in mid-1972 from the ashes of Baby Bertha and Sweet Poison. The correct line-up is: Dave Ellis guitars/vox/song-writer; Ian Mclaughlin, bass and Pete Gibbons, drums. It was recorded at SRT Studios, Luton, in one 10-hour session on a freezing January day in 1973. We'd recorded there the previous January as Baby Bertha and were impressed with the sound and production. Unfortunately, new engineers had been installed who insisted (quite the BBC types) that we turn everything down to a volume comparable to a tranny radio, hence we lost our 'live' sound and the recording turned out to be rubbish. We have since had the above record properly released with all the correct details, original band photos, and liner notes. It can be obtained from David Wells, Wooden Hill, 13 Barricane, St Johns, Woking GU21 7RB. Phone: 01483 727169. As the work has remained popular for so long, Ian (bass) myself and a cluster of friends and family have been working on re-recording the songs for the past two years. It is almost complete and hopefully will be ready next month. Thank you for your interest. I hope the correct details are of help. The cover above has absolutely nothing to do with us and totally misses what the record was all about. The original featured a giant spliff - hence the name. Cheers. Dave Ellis, CHARGE 2016

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