Friday, August 9, 2019

I Teoremi - S/T 1972

I Teoremi is the first and only album released by Italian band I Teoremi in 1972 THIS ALBUM IS BALLS TO THE WALL!
The music on this album resemble Led Zeppelin style rock, but a bit more progressive due to the heavy, imaginative rhythm section.     The music highlights electric guitar, however the bassist steals the show. One track feature keys. 
The album is not considered a  good '''progressive'' album in the true sense , but it fucknig rips none the less!

Foe a complete history of this awesome band go to:

Monday, August 5, 2019

TEST - s/t 1974 Poland

The only album from Warsawa, (the first hard rock album). The first version of the band ws from 1971-'73 6 members) the second, '74 to '76, (4 members). The leaders and regular members of the band were guitarist / author Dariusz Kozakiewicz, and vocalist Wojciech Gassovski, Explicit followers of Deep Purple (even a cover of Smoke on the Water was incorporated - in English) while the rest of their catalog was performed in Polish


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