Thursday, June 25, 2015

Do What Thou Wilt - The Satanic Rites of British Rock Compilation 1970-1974

Wow. The horrors I found while trying to track down not only info on this title, but any of the bands that appear on it! There is one that I got to already, Shado and their song "Evil City." So, it appears this fucker is rare beyond. A handful of these otherwise forgotten bands actually released independently pressed singles in very small volumes, but most of the tracks on this comp. never made it past acetate stage. It was obviously a vinyl release as there were only 200 issued, all with hand painted covers. Each one different. The bands range from proto-punk, to proto-metal and the not-very-much in between. I had been introduced to Lucifer some time ago via their "Fuck You" single which appears on this. And each other song has their own merit. Some faves in my camp are Shado's "Evil City", "Rip Off" by Grind, and the fore mentioned Lucifer track. (Classic).
It's a good thing these were compiled all that time ago otherwise these bands would have slipped right into the cracks, which are as wide as canyons for these titles. Enjoy!


Camelot - "Time Around Me"
Pony - "I'm a Mover"
Shado - "Evil City
Heatwave - "999"
Grind - "Rip Off"
Sioux - "Warlove"
Sadornicus - "Nymph"
Yellow - "The Hobo Song
Sardornicus - "Evaporated Brain"
Tonge - "Looking At the World"
Wooden Lion - "Rise of the Moon"
Grind - "Earth Song"
Bare Soul - "Flash"
Unicorn - "Another World"
Lucifer - "Fuck You"

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